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Q: What is the verb in the sentence the alphabet chart at left is helpful?
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What is the verb of this sentence The alphabet chart at left is helpful.?


How do you tell the difference between a predicate and a verb?

A predicate is the part of the sentence that describes the action, whereas the subject is the part of the sentence that describes who is doing the action. The predicate may just be a verb, but it can also involve adverbs, conjunctions, helping verbs, and so forth, all of which help to describe the action of the sentence. Here is a sentence in which the predicate is just a verb: Bill left. Bill is the subject, left is the predicate. But you could also say, Bill left suddenly. In that case, left suddenly is the predicate.

Can you make a sentence using the word column?

The number 8 is in the left column.

Does every sentence have a simple predicate?

No. Every sentence does not have a simple predicate. Some sentences are only an an exclamation. Ouch! Some are only a verb. Stop! Some have a subject and a verb. Jane left. And some have a complex predicate. Sue gave John the book when he went to the theater and saw the movie while the car continued running along on its own.

If r equals 5z then 15z equals 3y then r equals what?

Don't do the question immediately, read the sentence 3 times and visualize what is it saying. Its just like hitting you from the left to right brain and back to left brain again, but focus thinking on the right, its just confusing as it sounds but its just simplicity in a rather complex sentence if you did not read it carefully. Since R = 5Z then 15Z = 3Y then R = ? Since it means one R = 5Z 15Z = 3y, saying 3times the Y = 15Z So you want to find out R =?, 5Z = R, 10Z = 2Y so R = Y! :D

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What is the verb of this sentence The alphabet chart at left is helpful.?


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Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics can be written both vertically and horizontally. When written vertically, it is from top to bottom. When written horizontally, it can be both from left to right, or right to left. When reading hieroglyphs, you will need to pay attention to the facing of the hieroglyphic alphabet. Any faces, people or animals in the hieroglyphic alphabet will face the start of the sentence. For example, in the hieroglyph for the 'a' sound, if the eagle faces the left, then the sentence should be read from left to right.

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the left

Use the word iota in a sentence?

"I have no more patience left - no, not one iota of it!" An iota is a letter in the Greek alphabet, but it is used idiomatically in English to represent a very small amount.

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because its the 7th place on the value chart to the left

What is the difference between the Arabic Alphabet and the Latin alphabet?

There are many differences. Here are a few: Arabic letters are connected. Latin letters are not. Arabic is written right-to-left. Latin is written left-to-write. The Arabic alphabet has no vowels. Latin does.

What was different about the Hebrew Alphabet?

It this is a vague question, but if you compare the Hebrew alphabet to the English (Latin) alphabet, the biggest differences are that Hebrew has no letters for vowels, and it is written from right to left.

Why is English written from left to right?

English is written with the Roman Script, which goes from left to right, so naturally English is written in that direction. As a historical issue, the earliest alphabets (like the Phoenician, Hebraic, Hittite, etc.) were all right-to-left alphabets. The first major left-to-right alphabet was the Greek alphabet which was realigned to favor right-handed scribes who would no longer have to smudge their writing. Since the Roman alphabet was derived from the Greek alphabet, it copied its left-to-right form.

Is Turkish written left to right?

Yes, Turkish is written from left to right using the Latin alphabet.

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Does the Greek alphabet reflect the English alphabet?

Yes.Both are written left to rightBoth have vowelsBoth have some similar letter shapesBoth are written left to wright that doesn't mean nothing. No it reflects roman and it started from Phoenician.

Does Nepali read right to left?

Urdu is written with a modified form of the Arabic alphabet, which is right-to-left.