The noun 'tutor' is a common gender noun, a word for a male or a female.
The best way for a person to choose a tutor is by looking over their credentials. This information can be obtained by asking the tutor for a copy of their resume or by asking for references.
for help with math, I suggest you find a tutor. Talk to your parents, (if you are 16 and younger) to see if they can find a tutor for you. you can also go to for more help, hope I've helped!
That is possible, but it depends upon how bad you are at essay writing. You should probably ask your tutor to evaluate your essay writing and give an opinion of it. Hopefully you have a good tutor who is capable of doing that.
Yes, it is a noun. It means a person engaged to aid in learning, and can mean a private teacher or coach.
The feminine gender of tutor is "tutora" in Spanish.
The feminine term for a tutor is "tutoress."
The feminine gender for tutor is "tutoress" or "tutor."
The feminine counterpart of a rooster is a hen. Hens are female chickens that typically lay eggs and are raised for their meat.
The feminine counterpart of "patron" is "patroness."
feminine term of villain
The feminine counterpart of a billy goat is a nanny goat.
The feminine version of heir is heiress.
Petite is the feminine form of the adjective 'small'. Its masculine counterpart is petit.
Tutor is both gender
The feminine form is materteral, referring to an aunt. Avuncular refers to an uncle, that which is like an uncle.
As the goddess of the wilderness and nature I guess you would say Pan was her male counterpart, but magic was quite a feminine thing and while other gods had some areas of magic (i.e. Apollo with oracles and healing) there was no true counterpart for that.