tee is an american word for a top and tea is something like coffee that you drink :)
She enjoys doing 'spot the difference' puzzles.There is a difference between happy and sad.What is the difference between these two cakes?
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There is no difference.
Tea and ti are homophones for tee.
Tee, like a golf tee, is a homonym for tea. Also the letter T by itself is a homonym for tea and tee.
tea is Tee
tea = Tee
Tee and ti are homophones of tea.
They are both a filter like the vaccum cleaner it filters all the dust and dirt while the tea strainer filters the tea bag or the tea leaves. :) So I repeat they are both a type of filter :)
tee hee
A tea strainer is used to catch tea leaves when pouring. There isn't a difference between an English tea strainer and a regular one, they are the same thing.
There is no such English phrase as "tea of a cup." You either have a cup of tea, or you have tea in a cup.
a tea bag stays loger in a cup