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Domain is a set of all abscissa in a set of points WHILE Abscissa is the x-value or the counter part of ordinate

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Q: What is the difference between domain and abscissa?
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What is the difference between the abscissa and the ordinate in a graph?

The abscissa is the x or horizontal coordinate. The ordinate is the y or vertical coordinate. I remember them because they are both alphabetical.

Which of these words mean the same as x-coordinate?

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Both the abscissa and the ordinate are different.

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The abscissa in Cartesian coordinates. In polar coordinates, it would be the radius .or domain

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No difference, both words refer to a royal domain

What is the difference between kingdom and domain?

In biological classification, kingdom is a broader category that includes multiple domains. There are three domains of life: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Each domain consists of one or more kingdoms.

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they wasent use ful

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Explain the difference between a domain and a kingdom?

In biological classification, a domain is the highest taxonomic rank, grouping organisms based on cellular organization and genetic makeup. There are three domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. In contrast, a kingdom is a lower taxonomic rank within a domain, representing a group of related organisms with similarities in structure, physiology, and behavior.

What is the difference between a zone and a domain?

A domain is a portion of the overall DNS namespace. A zone, however, can contain multiple contiguous domains.