A divisor is the number being divided by in a division problem. For example, 6/3=2. 3 is the divisor in that example. A factor is the part of a multiplication problem that is being multiplied. A multiplication problem can have two or more factors. For example, 3 times 2 equals 6. 3 and 2 are the factors in that example.
If it is 1, it is nothing special. Otherwise it is a factor.
The GCF is the largest of the common factors.
A factor of an experiment is a controlled independent variable; a variable whose the differences between means for different levels of one factor.
The difference between factors and coefficient is very distinct. A factor is a quantity which is multiplied with another to give a particular number as the result. A coefficient on the other hand is a multiplier that measures property.
The same as the greatest common divisor between 360 and 72 (72 is the remainder of the division of 432 and 360).Apply this reasoning repeatedly (that's the Euclidian algorithm), until one of the two numbers is zero.
If that's greatest common factor and greatest common divisor, there is no difference between them.
No difference.
Divisor: the number by which a dividend is divided Dividend: a number to be divided
No. A divisor is the same as a factor and six is not a factor of eight.
No. Divisor is the same as factor.
Because divisor is a synonym for factor.
"Factor" and "Divisor" are synonyms.
A divisor is also known as a factor.
There is no difference between "factor of safety" and "safety factor." They are two ways of saying the same thing.
A product (multiple) is divisible by a factor (divisor)