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Q: What is the analogy of plethora?
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What is the analogy for plethora?


When using the word plethora do you precede it with is a plethora or are a plethora?

You would use "a plethora" before the noun, as in "a plethora of options."

When using Plethora in a sentence is it a plethora or are plethora Like there isare a plethora of ideas etc?

Plethora is singular and the plural form is plethoras

How do you use a plethora in a sentence?

(Plethora means an abundant excess as a bountiful excesss such as riches.)"The Thanksgiving feast was a plethora of favorite foods of the family.""There was a plethora of costumes to choose from for the masquerade.""From the plethora of possible names for the project, he chose the most apt."

There are or is a plethora of opportunities?

"Is", since plethora is in singular form

What is a sentence for plethora?

There was a plethora of food on the table at Thanksgiving.

What part of speech is the word plethora?

Plethora is a noun.

Is plethora singular or plural?

The noun plethora (a plethora) uses singular verb forms.The word plethora is an uncountable (mass) noun, a type of aggregate noun that refers to an unspecified but large number of elements, e.g. a plethora of choices.

Is plethora plural or singular?

Plethora is singular and the plural form is plethoras.

What is the analogy for ship?

analogy for a ship is analogy for a ship so its an analogy

How can you use the word plethora in a sentence?

The plethora of escapes from supposedly secure prisons embarrassed the hapless wardens. The success of his videos inspired a plethora of imitators.