Lift is a synonym for elevate
One synonym for spanned is extended from.
Your question is incorrectly phrased. Rich is a synonym for wealthy, prosperous, affluent, etc., but you do not say "Rich is a synonym"; you say, for example, "Rich is a synonym for wealthy."
A synonym for transform is change. An antonym for transform is preserve.
What is synonym for merchant? What is synonym for merchant?
What is the synonym government.
you are a synonym of abandoned.
no it is not a synonym
a synonym to..?
A synonym for temper is temperament.
A synonym for varied is diverse.
The synonym for abducting is kidnapping.
The synonym of testes is "testicles."
Another name for the word synonym is poecilonym.
"Alternate word" is a noun-phrase that is kind of a synonym for the word "synonym. There is no one exact word that means the same as synonym.