

What is a metaphor for the word strength?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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9y ago

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A metaphor for the word stength is tower of strength.

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Q: What is a metaphor for the word strength?
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Metaphor is a noun.

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Metaphor has three syllables.

Which one of the following sentences is an example of a metaphor ai am a rock?

The sentence "I am a rock" is an example of a metaphor. It is comparing the speaker to a rock to convey strength, resilience, and emotional detachment.

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A metaphor for the word "hostile" could be a stormy sea, representing turbulent and threatening conditions.

Is groaning a metaphor?

No. One word does not make a metaphor. "Bob is groaning" would be the closest you could get, but that is a statement, not a metaphor.

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