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Voice describes whether the transitive verbs have the subject performing the action or receiving the action.

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Leanne Bogisich

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Q: What describes whether transitive verbs have the subject performing the action or receiving the action?
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What sentence ending would make the verb moved transitive?

For a verb to be transitive it must have a subject and an object. In order to make "moved" a transitive verb, the sentence would have to begin with a subject who did the moving and end with an object that was moved by the subject.

Is a transitive verb a helping verb?

No, a transitive verb is a verb that requires both a direct subject and one or more objects. Some auxilliary (helping) verbs are, however, transitive verbs.

How can you find a transitive verb of incomplete predication?

You can find a transitive verb of incomplete predication, when you do not have the Direct Object. I mean, when the DO is hidden. For ex: "He wrote me". You can ask: What did he write? And you can answer: a letter, an email, etc... He: Subject wrote me: Predicate wrote: Main Verb / Transitive Verb of Incomplete Predication me: Indirect Object In this sentence you do not have the DO (a letter, an email, etc)... so the pattern verb is TVIP.

Which has a mismatch between subject and modifier?

Although painfully shy, Burt never minded performing music in front of a crowd. Although painfully shy, performing music in front of a crowd never bothered Burt. Although he was painfully shy, performing music in front of a crowd never bothered Burt.

How do you tell the difference between a predicate and a verb?

A predicate is the part of the sentence that describes the action, whereas the subject is the part of the sentence that describes who is doing the action. The predicate may just be a verb, but it can also involve adverbs, conjunctions, helping verbs, and so forth, all of which help to describe the action of the sentence. Here is a sentence in which the predicate is just a verb: Bill left. Bill is the subject, left is the predicate. But you could also say, Bill left suddenly. In that case, left suddenly is the predicate.

Related questions

What describes whether the transitive verbs have the subject performing the actions or receiving the action?

Voice describes whether the transitive verbs have the subject performing the action or receiving the action.

Are Transitive active and transitive passive sentences both have a receiver of the action?

Yes, both transitive active and passive verbs have a subject or object as the action receiver. The only difference is that transitive passive has a subject receiving action while the transitive active has an object receiving action.

Is Linking verbs transitive?

Linking verbs, also known as copular verbs, do not take a direct object and therefore do not function as transitive verbs. They serve to connect the subject of a sentence to a subject complement or adjective that describes or renames the subject.

Example of s-tv-do pattern sentences?

She (subject) watched (transitive verb) the movie (direct object). They (subject) cooked (transitive verb) dinner (direct object). He (subject) read (transitive verb) the book (direct object). The students (subject) completed (transitive verb) the assignment (direct object).

What is a transitive passive?

Subject is the receiver

What sentence ending would make the verb moved transitive?

For a verb to be transitive it must have a subject and an object. In order to make "moved" a transitive verb, the sentence would have to begin with a subject who did the moving and end with an object that was moved by the subject.

Is were flying transitive or intransitive?

The compound verb "were flying" is intransitive; it does not require any direct object to complete its meaning, but instead describes an independent characteristic of the subject of a clause in which it occurs.

Is meet a linking verb?

No, "meet" is not a linking verb. It is a transitive verb that describes an action of coming together with someone or encountering someone or something. Linking verbs connect the subject of a sentence to a subject complement or an adjective.

Is the verb transitive or intransitive Sally is very patient with her pesky little brother.?

The verb "is" in this sentence is intransitive because it does not have a direct object receiving the action. Instead, it links the subject ("Sally") to the subject complement ("very patient with her pesky little brother").

What is the voice of the verb in this sentence?

To identify the voice of the verb in a sentence, you need to determine if the subject is performing the action or receiving it. The two main voices are active (subject performs the action) and passive (subject receives the action).

Is forsake a linking verb?

No, "forsake" is not a linking verb. It is a transitive verb that means to abandon or give up. Linking verbs connect the subject of a sentence with a noun or an adjective that describes or renames it.

Is a transitive verb a helping verb?

No, a transitive verb is a verb that requires both a direct subject and one or more objects. Some auxilliary (helping) verbs are, however, transitive verbs.