by weight diamonds
Yes, by weight, diamonds are more valuable than gold.
Gold cost more but it depends on how the diamond is cut and what size it is. But overall gold costs more.
Diamond are much more valuable than gold even considering the recent price rise for gold.
are diamonds more valuable than emeralds
'Better' is a value judgement and you are the judge. Considering the investment value for both metal and diamonds may be one way that you can determine which is 'better' for your long-term purposes.
Both gold and diamonds are mined.
Gold and diamonds are both mined in the earth.
Romania hasn't diamonds but has gold.
It's Gold, and Diamonds
Diamonds are more valuable, more precious, stonger more expensive and last longer. Diamonds are by far better than gold and is the best mineral resource discovered
dose 417 white gold have diamonds
IT will be worth less. but it depends who you are selling it too if your selling it to some one who will wear sell with diamonds if not take diamonds out and sell those separately
A gold detector will find diamonds if they are surrounded by gold. A gold detector cannot find a lose diamond that is not set in gold, because you're using a detector of gold, not diamonds.
Italy does not mine for gold of diamonds. Italy does, however, mine for gold.
by weight diamonds
No, diamonds and gold are not the same. Diamonds are precious gemstones formed from carbon, while gold is a precious metal known for its rarity and value. They are used in jewelry and other luxury items, but they are composed of different materials with distinct characteristics.