

Best Answer

The noun 'equality' is an abstract noun as a word for a concept.

The noun 'happiness' is an abstract noun as a word for an emotion.

The noun 'right' is an abstract noun as a word for what is considered good or moral; something to which a person has a just claim; the legal authority to publish a written work; a word for a concept.

The noun 'right' is a concrete noun as a word for a physical side or direction.

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Q: Is equality right happiness abstract nouns?
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The abstract nouns in the sentence are:equalityrighthappiness

What are the nouns in all people are promised their equality by the declaration of independence it also promises the right to pursue happiness?

The abstract nouns in the sentence are:equalityrighthappiness

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The abstract nouns in the sentence are:equalityrighthappiness

What are all the nouns in the sentence All people are promised their equality by the Declaration of Independence it also promises the right pursue happiness.?

The nouns in the sentence are:peopleequalityDeclaration of Independencerighthappiness

All people are promised their equality by the Declaration of Independence it also promises the right to pursue happiness.?


Does abstract noun have meaning?

Yes, abstract nouns represent ideas, qualities, feelings, or concepts that cannot be perceived through the five senses. Examples include love, happiness, sadness, and courage. While abstract nouns may not have a physical form, they carry significant meaning and can invoke various emotions or thoughts in individuals.

What is the name of the site that is talking about abstract nouns?

There is an "Abstract Nouns" category right here on, you can use your search engine (type in "abstract nouns"), or try one of these:grammar-monster.comenglish.tutorvista.comenglish-for-students.comOr, go to YouTube and type "abstract nouns" into the search engine on that site for tutorial videos.

Is justify an abstract noun?

No, justify is not an abstract noun. It is a verb that means to show or prove to be right or reasonable. Abstract nouns refer to concepts or ideas, while justify is an action or process.

How do you write a paragraph of your favorite cartoon character using abstract and concrete nouns?

Surely you have a favorite cartoon character! Just describe them - here's a link to teach you how to describe things - and be sure to include some of the right sorts of nouns. Of course, you have to learn what concrete and abstract nouns are, and that's probably the actual point of the assignment.

What is the abstract noun of starve?

There are a lot of abstract nouns, which you know very well. But, at the right time you forget. Starve is one of them. Abstract noun of starve is starvation. You can also check the complete article about noun on