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No, it is not a verb. "A variable" is a noun, while "variable" is an adjective.

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Q: Is a variable a verb
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What is verb form for the word variABLE?

Vary. We can vary the speed of the engine.

When can a hypoythesis be considered testable?

If there is an independent variable and a tangible dependent variable in it then it can be tested. A general form of a hypothesis would be: If the (independent variable) (verb)s, then the (dependent variable) will (verb). If it follows this format, it can be tested

Is variable motion a noun?

No, the term 'variable motion' is a noun phrase, a group of words based on a noun that functions as a unit in a sentence.The noun phrase 'variable motion' is made up of the noun'motion' described by the adjective 'variable'.A noun phrase functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.Examples of a noun phrase in a sentence:The variable motion of the traffic was frustrating. (subject of the sentence)We were able to fix the variable motion of the unit. (direct object of the verb 'to fix')The uneven surface was a result of the variable motionof the sander. (object of the preposition 'of')

What is noun form of vary?

Noun forms for the verb to vary are variation, variability, variable, and the gerund, varying.

What is the noun form of the verb vary?

The noun forms of the verb to vary are variable, variation, and the gerund, varying. Examples: The variables make it hard to predict what will happen. The variations in the speed of the car suggest the driver was drunk. Varying will skew the results of the survey.

Another word for variable?

The word varies may mean a couple of different things in human anatomy. Firstly, it may be: diversity. Much of life on our planet is filled with diversity, and it can be said that individual members of a species have variances in them from the norm. This is quite natural and very common. For example: how boring would life be if we never searched for, and found, a four-leafed clover? That can be a variance, or diversity.

What is the variable word in english subject?

variable is the variable that variable a variable into a variable. noOb

What is the variable called that changes in response to another variable?

The answer is a dependent variable. A variable that changes in response to another variable is called a dependent variable.

What is an independent variable dependent variable and controlled variable?

an independent variable is a thing you can change on your own. a depentent variable is a variable you depend on and a responding variable is a variable that reacts to the experiment

What does number sentence mean?

A number sentence has a left side (Nominative) the equals (verb) and the right side (predicate). It can be an open sentence with a variable, a false statement or a true statement.

A variable that changes as a result of the other variable?

The dependent variable.

The input variable is called the what variable?

The independent variable. The output variable is dependent on this variable's value and so is called the dependent variable.