

How do you diagram a predicate noun?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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9y ago

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you diagram it with a diagonal line before it

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Q: How do you diagram a predicate noun?
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Is the word Tall a Predicate adjective or a predicate noun?

A predicate nominative or a predicate adjectiverestates a noun following a linking verb or the object of a verb, telling something about the noun. The word 'tall' could be a predicate adjective or a predicate noun, depending on how it's used in a sentence. Examples:Predicate nominative: The size I need is a tall. (the noun tall is renaming the noun size)Predicate adjective: My brother is very tall. (the adjective tall is renaming the noun brother)

When you use a predicate noun?

A predicate noun (also called a predicate nominative) is part of the predicate of a sentence rather than being the subject. A predicate noun follows a linking verb. The predicate noun is used to tell what the subject is, was, became, look, seem, etc.Jason is my cousin.Lucy's favorite color is yellow.When we were kids, we were called The Moppets.

Can a predicate be a noun?

Yes, a predicate is the verb and all of the words related to that verb that follow the verb; there can be more than one predicate in a sentence. The words related the verb included in the predicate can be a noun or nouns. Examples:This restaurant was recommended by my sister. ('was recommended by my sister' is the complete predicate, 'sister' is a noun)The Browns live on this street. ('live on this street is the complete predicate, 'street' is a noun)

Is you a predicate noun?

No, the word 'you' is a pronoun (not a noun).The pronoun 'you' is the second person, personal pronoun; a word that takes the place of the noun (name) for the person spoken to.A predicate is the verb and all of the words that follow it that are related to that verb. A predicate can include a noun or a pronoun.Examples:I love you. (the complete predicate is 'love you'; the simple predicate is the verb 'love')I made you some brownies. (the complete predicate is 'made you some brownies'; the simple predicate is the verb 'made'; the noun 'brownies is the direct object of the verb; the pronoun 'you' is the indirect object of the verb)

I need a sentence with a predicate noun?

These are examples of sentences with predicate noun:Kate is a teacher.Mary Sanchez is a champion on drawing pictures!That lizard is ugly.

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Is creatures a predicate noun?

in your question, no..."a predicate noun" is the predicate noun he was a creature...yes

Is mountain a predicate noun or predicate adjective?

Mountain is a predicate noun.

Is a predicate noun and a predicate nominative the same?

Yes, a predicate noun and a predicate nominative are the same thing. They both refer to a noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames or identifies the subject of the sentence.

Is the word writer a predicate noun or predicate adjective?

A predicate noun (predicate nominative) is the noun or a pronoun following a linking verb that restates or stands for the subject. A predicate nominative is a function in a sentence, not a specific noun; any noun can be a predicate nominative. The word 'writer' is a noun.

What is the difference between a predicate noun and a predicate nominatvie?

A predicate noun and predicate nominative are the same thing. They both refer to a noun or pronoun that comes after a linking verb in a sentence and renames or identifies the subject of the sentence.

Is Migration routes are highways in the sky for birds a predicate noun or predicate adjective?

The noun 'highways' is a predicate noun (or predicate nominative); a noun or pronoun following a linking verb that renames the subject.

Is the word Tall a Predicate adjective or a predicate noun?

A predicate nominative or a predicate adjectiverestates a noun following a linking verb or the object of a verb, telling something about the noun. The word 'tall' could be a predicate adjective or a predicate noun, depending on how it's used in a sentence. Examples:Predicate nominative: The size I need is a tall. (the noun tall is renaming the noun size)Predicate adjective: My brother is very tall. (the adjective tall is renaming the noun brother)

Is the word popular a predicate noun or predicate adjective?

Yes because it can describe a noun--a popular person.

What is the predicate noun in the sentence The fable teaches the importance of hard work?

There is not a predicate noun in this sentence. The definition of a predicate noun is that it defines or restates the subject AND it has to follow a linking verb. example:Mrs.Smith is a nurse. the predicate noun would be nurse

What part of speech is the predicate noun?

A predicate noun is a noun that follows a linking verb and renames or describes the subject. It is a type of subject complement that provides more information about the subject.

What is a predicate noun?

A predicate noun is a noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames or identifies the subject of a sentence. It helps clarify the subject by providing more information about it. For example, in the sentence "She is a doctor," "doctor" is a predicate noun that describes what "she" is.

When you use a predicate noun?

A predicate noun (also called a predicate nominative) is part of the predicate of a sentence rather than being the subject. A predicate noun follows a linking verb. The predicate noun is used to tell what the subject is, was, became, look, seem, etc.Jason is my cousin.Lucy's favorite color is yellow.When we were kids, we were called The Moppets.