the early settler named it after bloomington IL
The distance between Taylorville, IL and Bloomington, IL is approximately 75 miles.
Bloomington, IL has an elevation of approximately 797 feet (243 meters) above sea level.
Bloomington/Normal, IL, is in area code 309.
Depending on the day, about 480 EUR, with Delta, with one stop in mineapolis or Detroit
Bloomington , IL
It is 46.1 miles according to Google Maps.
From Bloomington IL, it is about 2 hours 30 minutes to 2 hours 45 minutes on the train. There is no train service to Bloomington IN.
Bloomington, Il is at the midpoint.
It is 135 miles according to Google Maps.
Yes there are. I saw one in Normal, IL, coming off of the trail.