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Terrorism and Environmental Security. Mainly to stop people blowing up the planes.

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13y ago

Yes, it is essential. Terrorists may try to bomb up the plane with explosives if they do not search passengers thoroughly.

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Q: Why must the airport officers searching passengers thoroughly before allowing them to board their planes?
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Why do Filipino airport officers search passengers thoroughly before allowing them to board their planes?

They were searching thoroughly to check if the passengers were bringing things that weren't allowed to bring in. :)

Why do airport officers check passengers thoroughly before allowing them to board their planes?

They have to confirm that you are the right person. There are imposters around, you know. And in my country, it is also to check the things that you are bringing because some items are flamable, dangerous, etc.

Why do airport officers search passengers thoroughly?

yo.they do that so that you will be able to have a safe trip and with no see,some people are just the air port officers have to search passengers.its all for own good.

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Stewards, and some officers, were dispatched to alert the passengers.

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On military vessels the room where the officers met and ate their meals is called the Ward Room.

How did the passengers communicate from the titanic?

The passengers wrote letters and the officers tapped them out on Morse Code.

When searching a vehicle must there be 2 police officers for the search one as a witness?

No, there is no such requirement in law.

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The first passengers to arrive on the Titanic would have been first class passengers. They would have been greeted by the captain himself, John Smith.

What did the Titanic have?

Titanic had 2208 passengers, 899 crew and officers. Its length was 882.5 ft. and its width was 92.5 ft. It also weighed 45000 tons.

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Carpenters, doctors, and passengers.

What is a sentence for square mile?

The land covered exactly one square mile.I want one team of officers searching for every square mile.

What do police officers have to do before searching someones home?

In order to search through someone's home, police officers must aqquire a search warrant, which is just a slip or piece of paper signed by a judge that gives them legal rights to go searching through a person's home. They also must have some sort of evidence on why they are to search someone's home, such as drugs, leads, etc.