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Because its fun!
Its liberating, its challenging, and its never the same!

It's also a great way to get places fast. A 6 hour drive in the car is often just a couple hours in a small airplane.

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Q: Why do people like to fly airplanes?
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Can fat people fly?

Only in airplanes like anybody else.

Why does a person fly in airplanes?

Because people are not able to fly without a airplanes.

Can people ever fly like birds?

No. We can fly with airplanes and helicopters, but not under the power of our own bodies.

Can a people really fly?

on airplanes yes... in space sort of... if you had a jet pack... but sadly people can't fly like birds yet. =(

Can people levitate or fly?

People cannot levitate, but they can fly using airplanes and helicopters.

Why do people fly in airplanes?

cause we can punk

Do fat people fly?

In airplanes, yes

Were airplanes invented to prove that air travel was better than train or sea?

Airplanes were invented because people wanted to fly like birds.

Can airplanes fly in the stratoshpere?

Most passenger airplanes fly in the stratosphere. Planes like Cessna fly near the troposphere. It depends on the size and sound of the planes.

Who proved that people can fly in airplanes?

Wright brothers

How many people fly on airplanes for Thanksgiving?

a lot!