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Q: Why can't you land with full fuel on a plane?
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The fuel in the plane's tank was sufficient, so the plane could land safely.

Can a plane land on a full tank of fuel?

Some can, some can't. Larger air-transport category aircraft have a maximum landing weight limitation. If enough passengers, baggage and fuel are aboard, the plane could be over the limit. If the plane could not complete the trip, perhaps because of weather, it would have to circle around, burning fuel, until the weight was low enough. In an emergency, the plane would dump fuel overboard to lower the weight. This situation generally happens on long flights where the plane is in the air many hours and thus requires a large fuel load, such as on trans-oceanic flights The limitation is not whether the tank is full or not, but total weight. The same aircraft with full fuel and no passengers might be legal to land with no problems. Smaller aircraft actually have the opposite problem. If they are overweight, there is not enough power to take off. If they are light enough to take off, they are light enough to land. So the precice answer to your question depends on the model of aircraft and the additional weight of passengers and baggage.

Is it possible an Earthquake could cause an EMP and mess up a computer system on a plane thus causing the plane to crash?

very very unlikely but still possible. most likely if the plane is going to crash it will be because it cant land during the tremors of the quake and it either runs out of fuel and makes an emergency landing or it tries to land but is crashed because of the shaking and quaking of the earth

Does a plane dump its fuel before it lands?

Depends on the amount of fuel. Every plane has a different maximum landing weight. Fuel is very heavy stuff - usually almost half a jet's weight on takeoff. Commercial flights are calculated so that by the time the jet gets to its destination, its weight has been reduced by the burning of this fuel, and it is perfectly safe to land. In an emergency, though, if an incident happens just after takeoff, a plane may have to make a fast return to its departure airport. However, it is still full of the fuel for its planned flight, and therefore over its max landing weight. If the plane is still flyable, the pilot will perform multiple spiralling descending circles, burning as much fuel as possible until it is safe to land. The pilot can also physically open the fuel tanks and dump his fuel out the back.

Can you land a Cessna 560 with full fuel?

yes, if you have enough runway

What do you do if you cant leave your land lord a message because his voice mail is full?

text him

How many hours does it take to get from Rome to Naples?

halve an hour or 30 minutes but it does depenp if the air port is busy or you cant land . but this is if you take a plane

How do you land a plane in island flyover?

No sure but you have to be really slow and have the biggest possible space available.Improved answerYou can only land on water so far as i know as it is a sea planeImproved answerYou cant land on an island cause you will crash.You can land on water but be careful.

Is it legal to land a plane on a road?

no i don't know why but it is not legal to land a plane on a road

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When a plane is coming to land what is it called?

The plane is on approach.

What plane can land on water and land?

They answer is a hovercraft.