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The brace position prevents serious whiplash type injuries. Many persons not in the brace position would end up with broken necks.

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Q: Why brace position when in aircraft?
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Brace position

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MythBusters - 2003 Killer Brace Position 3-13 was released on: USA: 22 June 2005

What is the Milwaukee brace?

general styles of braces are used for daytime wear. The Milwaukee brace consists of metal uprights attached to pads at the hips, rib cage, and neck. these brace types hold the spine in a vertical position.

What is the underarm brace?

general styles of braces are used for daytime wear. The underarm brace uses rigid plastic to encircle the lower rib cage, abdomen, and hips. these brace types hold the spine in a vertical position.

What is the purpose of a neck brace?

There are several purposes for using a neck brace. A neck brace helps stabilize and imobilize someone from being able to move their neck. It helps protect a person from further injuring their neck.

What is brace a collective noun for?

The noun 'brace' is used as a collective noun for:a brace of deer (2)a brace of bucks (2)a brace of dogs (2)a brace of hounds (2)a brace of ducksa brace of partridgesa brace of pheasantsa brace of geldingsa brace of dentistsa brace of orthodontistsa brace of orthopedistsa brace of sheiksa brace of stagehandsa brace of pistols

Instrument measuring the exact position of a ship or an aircraft?

Aircraft and ships use GPS locators for precise positioning.

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What is the purpose of a wrist brace in bowling?

To either support the wrist or help keep the wrist in a proper angle or position.

A person who finds the position and plots the course of a ship an aircraft?


What are examples of roster method?

A= brace. 1,2,3,4,5,6 brace. B=brace. Joy,Bernadette,Nina brace. c=brace. banana,apple,grapes brace.

What is a brace What is a brace?

A brace of horses is a pair (2) of horses.