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The location of jet engines on the wings of passenger aircraft is for three main reasons:

  • The reduced noise requires less insulation for the passenger cabin.
  • The separation of engines could reduce damage to the fuselage or the other engines in the event of a failure.
  • The wings are the load-bearing structures, so the application of force there has certain physical advantages (and shorter fuel lines, since most are wet wings with fuel inside). However, other designs attach the engines to the rear of the plane to reduce lateral (twisting) force.

Military jets have different constraints and concerns, so engines may be located inside the fuselage where practical. Some subsonic military planes do have wing-mounted engines (S-3, A-10, B-52).

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Q: Why are the engines of a plane located under the wings?
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How plain fly?

Planes fly through a combination of lift generated by their wings and thrust provided by their engines. When a plane's engines provide enough forward thrust, air flows over the wings to create lift, allowing the plane to take off and stay airborne. The pilot controls the plane's direction and altitude by adjusting the angles of the wings and tail surfaces.

What is the difference between a plane and a jet?

A Jet plane has no propellers. (Actually, there are 'prop-jets' on which propellers are powered by jet engines.)There is basically no difference in the airplane. The engines are different and sometimes the design of the wings or fuselage is different to allow for the different type engines. For example, early single-engine jets had their engines embedded within the fuselage so the air flow entered the nose or just under the wings and exited the tail after being ignited.Another difference is that Jet aircraft usually fly faster than propellor. The wings on propellor a/c are usually straight whereas the wings of jets are slanted aft. This improves aerodynamics when the jet approaches the speed of sound.

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An airplane stays up in the air due to a combination of factors. The main factor is the shape of the wings, which creates lift as air flows over and under them. The engines also provide thrust to move the plane forward, and the overall design of the plane helps maintain stability and control during flight.

What force is used to fly a plane?

Thrust and lift are required to make a plane fly. A plane can use just lift if it is in the air already. The engines create thrust (if the aircraft has engines), and the wings create lift. Helicopters make lift by pushing air down, though.