B/c airships are classified as lighter-than-air. They're streamlined balloons that relies on light gasses to become airborne. Airplanes are heavier-than-air, and use other principles to get airborne.
the answer is Italian
The first flight of the R33 class airship was on the day of September 22, 1902. More information on this flight can be found if one just takes a moment to look.
The first known flight of an airship is of Hiddenburg in Germany.
The Wright Brothers are generally considered the first achieve powered flight. Done so on December, 17th 1903. There are arguments that Richard Pearse had done so in the spring of 1903.
The first powered flight lasted for 12 seconds.
The Wright Brothers, 1903, with their pedal-powered "Wright Flyer" is considered the start of aviation.
The airship 'Norge' , commanded by Raould Amundsen was the first flight over the North Pole
The first powered flight happened on December 17, 1903. It happened at Kitty Hawk. It is in the state of North Carolina.
The blimp was invented before the airplane. In 1852 Henri Giffard successfully built the first powered airship and in 1903 The Wright brothers successfully built the first powered airplane.
the wtight brothers
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