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Q: Who was the second person to build a plane?
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Who was the first person to build a plane?


How long did it take to build the first plane?

it took 50 years to build it was the wrights plane

When was The Second Plane created?

The Second Plane was created in 2008.

The ancient what used the inclined plane to build what?

the ancient Egyptians used the inclined plane to build there amazing pyramids.

What kind of plane did they first build by the wright brothers?

a vi plane A silly plane

When did Amelia Earhart Build Her Plane?

Amelia never built a plane.

What time did the second plane hit the tower?

The second plane hit the tower 9:03

What is a person who flies a plane?

the name of a plane driver is called a pilot because its the person behind the wheel of the plane

Who person discovered cartisian plane?

Rene Des Cartes (It's named ofter him.) By the way, there is an accent on the second e of Rene.

Why did the wright brothers build the air plane?

they built the plane because they needed a faster transportation

What do you call a person that drives plane?

A "Pilot" is a person who drives a plane.

When did the second plane hit the tower?

The second plane struck the tower at 9:03 am on September 11, 2001.