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The Wright Brothers. (Wilbur and Orville Wright).

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Q: Who was the first person to make a plane?
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Who was the first person to fly a plane from France to England?

Eve Rossen was the first person to fly a plane from France to England? I figured this out on a website called Reuters

Who was the first prson to invent the first plane?

the first person were ride brothers

How did they make the first plane?

The Write Brothers

Who was the first person to fly an air plane?

The right brothers.

When did the wright brothers make the first plane to fly in the air?

They made the first plane to fly in air in 1903.

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Did the Wright Brothers' first plane succeed?

no. the wright brothers first plane did not suceed. it took many trys to make it "wright"

Why did they fly the first plane?

Well my many greats uncle was the first one to make the plane. They did it out of curiosity, who doesn't want to fly? lol.

Who was the first person to fly the plane?

December 17, 1903, Orville Wright

What are some accomplishments of Harry Houdini?

He was the first person to fly a plane in Australia