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Air control lands the plane. They also take the plane off, and pretty much get the plane from point A to B. As soon as they land and turn off the runway, Air control hands them off to ground control which brings them to the gate and from the gate to runway for take off again...

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Q: Who lands airplanes control tower or ground control?
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What is the definition of a control tower?

A control tower is the thing that leads airplanes so they know where to go and all...

What is ground control?

A control tower that controls aircraft landings and launches and where they park.

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A control tower that controls aircraft landings and launches and where they park.

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There were 2 airplanes that crashed into the Twin Towers. 1 for each tower.

What taxied the plane to the runway?

Air Traffic Control - usually on the ground frequency for that airport. Switching to tower, when ready for takeoff.

How does an airport control tower work?

An airport control tower is responsible for overseeing the movement of aircraft on the ground and in the airspace surrounding the airport. Air traffic controllers in the tower communicate with pilots, provide instructions for takeoffs and landings, and ensure safe separation between aircraft. They use radar and visual observations to monitor aircraft movements and make decisions to maintain a safe and efficient flow of air traffic.

Is the Eiffel Tower floating?

no the Eiffel Tower is on the ground

What does a steady green light shining from the Air Traffic Control Tower mean?

If the aircraft is in flight, a steady green light signal from the control tower means cleared to land. If the aircraft is on the ground, it means cleared for takeoff. If the light is aimed at ground vehicles or foot traffic, steady green means cleared to cross the runway, or proceed.

What airplanes were used to attack the world trade center?

A.A. 11 hit the North Tower and United 175 hit the South Tower.

What do you call the guys who signal to aircraft prior to take off?

The person on the ground in front of the aircraft is called a Marshaller, the person in the control tower is an Air Traffic Controller (or a Ground Movement Controller)

Why are control towers important?

A control tower, as the name suggests, is an air traffic control tower in more specific terms. Located in airports, a control tower is the connection between the pilot of the plane and the airport staff. Control towers are usually high above ground and have windows that are tilted out all around the room so that they can get a clear view of the planes in the airport in order to direct them around. Without the control tower, airport staff would not be able to send signals to the pilots and the airport will not be able to function at all as the planes would not know when and where to take off and land, park, move around and so on.

What is a sentence using the word control tower?

Maverick buzzed the control tower after the exercise was over.