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Q: Who came up with the invention of airplanes?
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What was an invention the Aztecs came up with?

the invention that the Aztecs came up with was the white flower

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she came up with this invention called a radium she came p with it with concentration and hard work.

Did people in Barbados travel in airplanes in 1687?

No, that's way before the invention of airplanes.

Why is the invention of airplanes important?

The invention of airplanes was so impotant because it could travel farther and faster and it became a new level of fighting in war.

Did helicopters come before airplanes?

No, airplanes came first

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How can you give an invention to a company without patenting it?

You would have to call the company and tell them about your invention. Try to asure them you came up with it yourself.

How is chopstick similar to technology?

the ancient Chinese came up with the invention. back then that was technology

Invention used to track airplanes made by british during the Battle of Britain?

Hmm, gee... What do you use to track airplanes? How about a radar? Yes, that seems reasonable.

Do robots fly airplanes?

well, in my experiences in the air force, robots not only fly airplanes, the crash them as well. On a more serious not, they often fertilize the airplanes using robo-seaman, which is derived from a navy invention

How was cartography different before the invention of airplanes?

Before the invention of airplanes, cartography relied on ground surveys, landmarks, and sea voyages to map out areas. Aerial mapping was limited to using balloons or kites for a bird's-eye view. This led to less detailed and accurate maps compared to the precision enabled by aerial photography from airplanes.

What invention most directly made the creation of the automobile and airplanes possible?

The Internal combustion engine