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Q: Where were the airplanes that crashed into the twin towers hijacked from?
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Did all of the airplanes that were hijacked crash into the twin towers?

No, 1 crashed into an open field but the rest of them did.

How many airplanes crashed into twin towers?

There were 2 airplanes that crashed into the Twin Towers. 1 for each tower.

Where were the planes that crashed into the twin towers hijacked from?

american airlines

What airport were the airplanes that crashed in to twin towers from?

Both planes that crashed into the twin towers (Flight 11 and Flight 175) were from Logan International Airport in Boston.

What are the names of the city where the airplanes departed from that crashed into the twin towers in New York?


What happend to the airplanes that crashed the twin towers?

the plane eventually blew up, and it exploded by the flame.

How did the Twin Towers fall down?

The Twin Towers at the World Trade Center collapsed on September 11, 2001, after being struck by hijacked airliners. The impact of the planes, combined with the ensuing fires, weakened the buildings' structures, causing them to ultimately collapse.

What were the planes that crashed in to the twin towers made of?

They were airliners and full of passengers. So they were made like all airplanes out of metal.

Did hijacked planes crash the twin towers?

the reason why is because the planes were hijacked.

What two buildings fell in 2001?

The twin towers fell in 2001. They were also called the World Trade Center. They were hit by hijacked airplanes.

What caused the twin towers to collapse?

The twin towers collapsed on September 11, 2001, after being struck by hijacked airplanes. The impact of the planes and subsequent fires weakened the buildings' structures, leading to their ultimate collapse.

Why did the twin towers fall on nine eleven?

The Twin Towers fell on September 11 due to being hit by hijacked airplanes, causing structural damage and fires that weakened the buildings' support systems until they could no longer stand. The impact and subsequent fires compromised the structural integrity of the towers, leading to their collapse.