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After you have returned all the items to their own times, all the places on the time device will be GREEN. Use the LAB setting to return to the present, and the Future machine to bring you to the restored future time. To get to your Sky Home, go right (and swim) until you reach the air tube. Go up to the monorail and get aboard. Use the monorail exhaust to lift you out of the car and onto the other monorail car. When you reach the lift platform, take it up to the roof home. That is where you get your Island Medallion.

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Q: Where is your sky home on time tangled island?
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What do you do at your home on time tangled island?

Once you get into your sky home in the future, go to the top right corner, where you will meet yourself (you in 50 years). You will then receive the Island Medallion. (see related question)

Where is the skyhome in time tangled island?

the sky home you can own is in the futere once you've found all of the lost items for time tangled. the person at pedulums lab will tell you to walk into the time machine to see if it got fixed and you will reach you in the future.

What do you do to the robot in your sky home at time tangled island poptropica?

nothing you just leave it alone, when you talk to your future self that person should shoo it away

Where specifacly is the sky home on time tangled island?

If you start at the little pond go up to the moving car things. Get on one then jump on to the top of the car thing and Wait. when you see the moving car on top of you JUMP ON IT. Then got up the rest of the way.

What do you do after you fix the past on time tangled island?

You then go back to the present time, and plug in the time machine that will take you forward fifty years. You then find your sky home, and meet your new future self.

Where is the green house in the sky on Time Tangled Island?

Your Sky Home is in the restored future. Once you have returned all the items on Time Tangled Island, the dial of the time device will be all green and the Lab part will flash. Select "Lab" (12 o'clock) and return to the present. Use the future machine again to go to the restored future. Use the lift and the monorail fans to get to the upper level, where your future self will give you the Island Medallion. (use the time device Lab setting again to leave the island)

Who has the island medallion on Time Tangled Island?

You have to go back through the Future machine to reach your future self in the repaired timeline. Make your way to "your" sky home in 2059. This is where you get your medallion, from your "future self". (see the related solution question)

How do you get to your sky home on time tangled island?

Once you have returned all the items on Time Tangled Island, the dial of the time device will be all green and the Lab part will flash. Select "Lab" (12 o'clock) and return to the present. Use the future machine again to go to the restored future. Use the lift and the monorail fans to get to the upper level, where your future self will give you the Island Medallion. (use the time device Lab setting again to leave the island)

How do you win on time tangled island?

Return all 11 objects to their proper time periods, then travel into the restored future, again using the Future Machine at Pendulum's Lab. Climb to your sky home and get the Island Medallion from your future self. (for the full solution, see the related questions below)

Where is the future you on Time Tangled Island?

You use the Future Machine in Professor Pendulum's Lab to travel to the future, The first time you get your time device from your future self. The second time, once you have restored all 11 of the items (time device is all green), you will receive the Island Medallion from "yourself" at your skyscraper "sky home". (see related question)

Where is your sky home in time tangled island?

Go to the right and Get in the levitation things. then get on the train and jump on the higher train. Let the train take you to the left and then jump on the platform. The platform will raise up and stop. Jump to the left and go in the tube. The island Medallion is with the old guy in your house.

Where is your sky home in the future on Time Tangled Island?

After all the items have been returned, and the times are all green, return to the Lab and use the Future Machine to travel back to the restored future. Walk and swim to the right, take the duct elevator, and ride the exhausts of the monorails to the left, until you find the elevator pad to your Sky Home.