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They're 2 ways the plane can dispose of this waste. When overland, it is emptied into a holding tank. However, once the plane is over open waters out of known sea routes, the waste is released out of the plane. This ensures that there wont be any overflowing toilet in the plane.

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Q: Where does toilet waste from a plane go?
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Can you be sucked out of the plane when you go to the bathroom?

It is not possible for a human being to be sucked out of an airplane's toilet. Besides, the toilet is extremely narrow. It would not fit a human body.

When you flush a toilet on airplane where does the waste go?

Waste water created inflight is stored in a holding tank on the aircraft until the plane sets down. When it's on the ground, a service truck rolls up and pumps the contents of the plane's holding tank aboard. A waste station at the airport serves to empty the truck's tank into the community waste water processing system.