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to the moon

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Q: Where does Neil Armstrong travel?
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How did neil Armstrong travel?

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What year did Neil Armstrong travel to the moon?


Did Neil Armstrong travel alone to the moon or did Neil Armstrong travel to the moon with a crew?

Armstrong traveled with Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. Aldrin went with Armstrong to the lunar surface. Collins remained in the command module in orbit around the moon.

How did Neil Armstrong travel to the moon?

he went in a rocket ship

How did Neil Armstrong get money for his travel to space?

How did he get money to travel into space? Do you mean like a tourist? He didn't. He had no need to. Neil Armstrong was U.S. Pilot and worked for the US Government in the military. The space travel was handled through NASA.

Why did neil Armstrong travel in Apollo 11?

Because he felt like it

What did Neil Armstrong Dow for a living?

Travel to space and study the moon.

Was Neil Armstrong the first person to travel into space?

No, that was Russian Yuri Gagarin

Who was the 2nd person to travel in space?

neil armstrongGherman Titov in 1961. Neil Armstrong first flew in space in 1966.

What did Neil Armstrong use to travel to the moon?

Neil Armstrong and his crew used the Apollo spacecraft to travel to the moon. The spacecraft consisted of the Command Module, Service Module, and Lunar Module. They were launched into space by the Saturn V rocket.