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Different species of penguin will travel to different places e.g

Emperor, Adelie, Gentoo and Rockhopper ( Antarctic Penguins) will travel to the middle of the ice every year to mate as in Summer, the ice on the outskirts of Antarctica melts so they need solid land.

Penguins may also travel to higher ground so that they can watch out for predators and they are safe higher up as they can also spot any oncoming danger.

9 times out of 10 Penguins ALWAYS return to the same place to mate every year and they always mate with the same partner

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How do penguins travel.?

Penguins travel by walking on their feet or on their bellies when they are tired of walking.

A fast way for penguins to travel on land?

A fast way for penguins to travel on land is sliding on their bellies. This allows them to travel faster and farther.

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In clubpenguin, penguins can't travel the ocean...........

Which animals travel to Antarctica?

Whales, seals, and birds, including penguins and skuas travel to Antarctica to feed and to breed.

How long do female penguins travel?

up to 3 months to find food

How do emperor penguins travel?


Do male penguins travel in groups?

Yes they do...emperor penguins stay close to each other to keep warm while the females take a break

What is the penguins sleeping pattern?

it is diffcult to track their migration patterns,but most of the penguins travel to the breeding site in early spring after breeding the adults and their chicks return to the sea to feed

Do emperor penguins only travel on their feet?

Of course not. Penguins need to swim and dive for fish. They cannot live unless they are full of that stuff. They need to swim away from predators such as the mighty narwhal as well. Penguins, however, indeed do not fly. FREE TIBET

How do penguins get around?

Penguins primarily get around on land by waddling and sliding on their bellies. In water, they are excellent swimmers and use their flipper-like wings to propel themselves through the water. Penguins are also known to "porpoise" while swimming, which involves leaping out of the water and diving back in to travel faster.

What is it called when penguins slide on there bellies?

It is called tobogganing. Penguins use tobogganing to travel quickly across icy surfaces and steep slopes without expending much energy.

You might go south to this continent to study penguins?

Antarctica is the continent known for its penguin population. Researchers often travel south to study various species of penguins in their natural habitats.