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Where ever they want to.

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Q: Where do airplanes fuel up at in the air force?
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Does the air force send airplanes up just to write in the sky?

The Air Force does not typically send airplanes specifically to write in the sky. The writing or drawing in the sky that you may see is usually done by civilian pilots or aerial advertising companies using specialized equipment. The Air Force's primary mission is national security and defense.

Can airplanes fly into space?

No. Airplanes cannot fly into space. They need air to hold them up. That's the purpose of the wings on both sides. They also need oxygen to burn their fuel. The airplane can't go anyplace where the air isn't thick enough to support the wings or where it lacks enough oxygen for the fuel. In space, there's no air at all.

What is a force which pushes things up?

The force that pushes things up is called lift. It is the force that acts perpendicular to the direction of the flow of a fluid (such as air or water) and helps objects to rise or stay airborne. This force is commonly associated with flying objects like airplanes and birds.

Did radar help the British Royal Air Force detect airplanes form bombing England?

Yes, radar helped to pick up German aircraft after about 1940.

What is the secret of how airplanes are able to stay up in the air?


How do non electric airplanes fly?

They stay up with their wings and the fuel you put in it.

How is a charge build-up reduced on airplanes?

Airplanes have needle-like projections located in various places on the wings and plane body. The force of the replusion between charges becomes so strong around a point that charges will disperse into the air from the point.

How much fuel does air force 1 burn?

Air Force One, a Boeing 747-200B aircraft, burns around 5 gallons of fuel per mile. The plane can carry up to 53,611 gallons of fuel when fully loaded for a long flight. The fuel economy depends on factors such as the route, altitude, and weight of the aircraft.

Why do paper airplanes go up?

it's because of the air that help the airplane goes up.

What is the difference between airplanes and gliders?

Airplanes have engines, gliders don't and must be towed up in the air in order to fly by a tow plane.

How do airplanes stay up in the air without falling?

Airplanes stay in the air due to the principle of lift generated by their wings. As the airplane moves forward, the shape of the wing causes air pressure to be lower above the wing and higher below, creating lift. Additionally, the engines provide thrust to move the airplane forward, allowing it to maintain its altitude.

Why can't a plane fly lower if a volcano explodes?

Jet airplanes take in air to support the combustion of the fuel - it is a larger flow of air than would be used for propellor driven planes, although those also need air - and if there is too much dust in the air it can clog up the engine.