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Q: What was the serial number of the first plane to hit the WTC?
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What did the first plane in 911 crashed into?

The northern WTC tower, then southern WTC tower, then Pentagon and the fourth plane crashed when the patriots inside killed the terrorists but couldn't fly the plane.

When did the fourth plane hit the wtc?

it never did. Only two planes hit the WTC.

Why did the second wtc tower collapse before the first tower?

While there is a wide range of possible explanations for the collapse of the South Tower (2 WTC) before the North (1 WTC), it is believed that the lower impact of the plane on the tower (a full 15 stories under the same point on 1 WTC) and the passing of shrapnel and parts of the plane through three of four floor beams weakened the structure at an accelerated rate and brought 2 WTC down before its counterpart.

What was the date and time the World trade center was hit north and South Tower?

The first plane that hit the wtc was at 8:46 eastern time

What was the flight number of the first plane to crashed into the twin towers?

American Airlines Flight 11 (AA11). It was a boeing 767 bound for LA from Logan international airport in Boston. At 8.46 am it crashed into the North Tower (1 WTC).

What time did the second plane hit wtc?

American airlines hit south tower at 9:03 am

What type of plane was united airline flight 175 on 9-11?

United Airlines Flight 175 was a Boeing 767-223, The same aircraft as the first plane who hit the north tower of the WTC, which was American Airlines Flight 11.

Did the twin towers fall at the same time?

No, the North Tower (WTC 1) was hit first and fell at 10:28 am, followed by the South Tower (WTC 2) which fell at 9:59 am during the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Was there anyone still on top of the twin towers after the first plane hit The World Trade Center?

No, there were no known people at the top of the WTC. There was a photograph shortly afterwards which went around on the internet - it shows two people atop the WTC with an airliner in the background. The photo was a fake. See the related link for more information.

Who were the first responders to the 911attack on The World Trade Center?

the first emergency services to get to the wtc was ladder 7 who was with brothers jules and gedeon naudet who were 2 french men making a documentary about a rookie fire fighter who just joined the force.being called to a gas leak only blocks away from the wtc the brothers filmed the only known footage of the first plane crashing into the world trade center.they were the first fire crew to arrive and set up a fire command center at the base of 1 wtc's lobby whilst still filming the events unfolding as other fire crews arrived.the documentary is called 9/11.

Where did the September eleventh 2001 planes hit?

2 planes hit the North and South towers of the WTC and one "plane" hit the pentagon. There was a fourth plane but it "crashed" in a Pennsylvania field. This happened in NY!

What was the WTC made of?

the wtc was made of glass and steel