The distance between the two cities' major airports is about 665 air miles.
The distance between the two cities' major airports is about 350.55 air miles.
The distance between the two cities' major airports is about 665 air miles.
The distance between the two cities' major airports is about 3,550 air miles.
The distance between the two cities' major airports is about 2,181 air miles.
Some major cities within 200 miles of Chicago include Milwaukee, Indianapolis, and Detroit.
New York
The approximate distance between the two cities' major airports is 3,774 air miles.
The approximate distance between the two cities' major airports is 3,727 air miles.
The distance between the two cities' major airports is about 1,290 air miles.
The distance between the two cities' major airports is about 3,330 air miles.
The approximate distance between the two cities' major airports is 426 air miles.