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An engine producing THRUST keeps an airplane moving forward. Types of engines used by airplanes include reciprocating engines, turbo prop engines, turbojet, and turbofan engines. Some manufacturers are developing electric engines and one bicycle racer powered a very lightweight airplane using pedal power connected to a propeller.

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Q: What keeps an airplane moving forward?
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The force you seek is gravity.

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An airplane uses engines to generate thrust, which propels it forward. The engines work to overcome the drag force that resists the airplane's forward motion, allowing it to achieve the necessary airspeed for flight. This is necessary to create the lift that keeps the airplane airborne.

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What makes an airplane go forward?

The engine makes an airplane go forward.

Can passenger jet stand still in air?

No. The forward motion creates the lift that keeps it in the air. Even when all engines are shut down, momentum keeps a plane moving forward. As the momentum decreases, the plane begins to descend; forward motion eventually changes to downward motion. Even a passenger jet that explodes or has been hit by a missile keeps moving, that is the pieces keep moving. I will only stop moving when it, or the pieces hit the ground (or is purposely parked at an appropriate place).

How does gravity effect paper airplanes?

The lift of the paper airplane is created by the wings and the thirst that you provide with your arm. Gravity is the force that brings the plane down and keeps it moving once the energy you provided with your arm has dissipated. The downward motion of the airplane caused by gravity keeps it moving forward which allows the wings to continue to provide lift.