Montego Bay is 2 hours ahead of Calgary.
the time difference between england and ohio
Yes there is a half an hour time difference between Ohio and Venezuela. When Ohio is on Daylight Saving Time, Venezuela is a half hour behind Ohio. When Ohio is on Standard Time, Venezuela is a half hour ahead of Ohio.
sometimes... Miami (UTC-5/UTC-4) is 1 hour ahead of Jamaica (UTC-5) from the 2nd Sunday of March to the 1st Sunday of November. During the rest of the year there is no time difference between Miami and Jamaica.
There is never a time difference between Pennsylvania and Ohio.
The time difference between France and Cleveland Ohio is - 6.00 Hrs. ( i .e when it is 11.00 AM in Cleveland, Ohio, it will be 5.00 PM in Paris )
no, never
Ohio is in the Eastern Time Zone, while Arkansas is in the Central Time Zone. Therefore, there is a one hour time difference between Ohio and Arkansas. Ohio is one hour ahead of Arkansas.
Ohio is 1 hour ahead of Acapulco.
North Carolina and Ohio are in the same time zone, Eastern Time Zone. There is no time difference between the two states.
The time difference between Ohio (Eastern Time Zone) and Barbados (Atlantic Standard Time) is 1 hour. Ohio is ahead of Barbados.
7 hours