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it called a front wing and any one from Pegasus school its me Shannon in year 3

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Q: What is the front of the wing called?
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Related questions

When was Front Wing created?

Front Wing was created in 2000.

How do you replace front wing on Peugeot 307?

Replacing the front wing on a Peugeot 307 you should find a replacement part and consult the cars manual. Line up the new front wing, bolts and clips.

What is wing to wing of an airplane called?

If you are referring to the distance from wing tip to wing tip, it is usually called "wingspan".

What is the wing of a plane called?

It is just called the wing.

What jet has a small wing at the front?

EuroFighter Typhoon has a small wing at the front. It is one of the advanced fighter jets in the world.

Where is the front wing on a car?

there is no front wing on a car unless ur driving a open wheel race car like a sprint car

What is the curvature of a wing called?

the wing flap

How many wing does bees have?

Four. The two front ones are usually larger and these can be temporarily attached to the hind ones with tiny hools along the back edge of the front wing, so that they form one "super-wing"!

Why is delta-wing aeroplane so called?

It's called delta wing because the wing is shaped like the Greek letter delta: Δ.

New born baby's medicine wing called as?

maternity wing

What are the internal parts of aircraft wings?

There is a main spar (lengthwise beam) and a front spar (leading edge) a number of ribs that run front to back of the wing and give the wing surface its shape and usually a spar nearing the training edge of the wing. The wing also has panels that move to bank the aircraft ....... on a small plane just one on each wing but on a high speed aircraft, often two .... one for low speed and one for high speed use. There are additional panels at the rear of each wing called flaps to change the airflow over the wing and thus lift and stalling speed. On some aircraft there are additional panels at the front of the wing that do the same when extended for low speed flight. Finally, there are often lift spoilers on the top of the wing which "spoil" lift when they are raised up ..... they also can act as speed brakes. The wing also holds fuel tanks and all of the necessary control lines to run all this stuff.

What is the name of a chicken wing?

The name of this highly delicious thing is called...........A CHICKEN WING!!!!!!!!!!!!!