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Also, the moving air around the plane causes friction

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Q: What is the force you exert on an airplane as it is flying in the air?
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What is the name of the presiden's airplane?

The airplane that the president is flying on receives the designation Air Force One.

A flying airplane is affected by which force or forces?

A flying airplane is affected by several forces, including lift (upward force generated by its wings), weight (gravitational force pulling it down), thrust (forward force generated by its engines), and drag (rearward force opposing its motion through the air).

Do matter weights changes while in the airplane flying on air?

No, matter weights do not change while in an airplane flying through the air. Weight is the force of gravity acting on an object, and this force remains constant regardless of whether the object is on the ground or in the air. The sensation of weightlessness experienced in an airplane is due to the feeling of free-fall rather than a change in actual weight.

If there were a thousand seaguls in an airplane while its flying each weighing two pounds a piece but they were all flying in the airplane would the airplane weigh 2000 pounds more?

Those seagulls would weigh two pounds whether they were sitting in the airplane or flying in it. This is because they have push the air below them (in the airplane) down with two pounds of force to keep two pounds in the air. So, yes, the seagulls would add 2000 pounds to the airplane's weight.

Does the air above the airplane move faster than the air below the airplane?

That's true for the airplane's wings, when the airplane is flying upright.

Which is a heavier-than-air flying craft?

An airplane is a heavier than air flying craft

Which craft is a heavier-than-air flying craft?

An airplane is a heavier than air flying craft

Is the air pressure in a flying airplane greater that outside the flying airplane?

In a commercial airliner flying at cruising altitude, the air pressure inside the airplane is considerably higher than the air pressure outside. The air pressure outside is too low for people to breathe comfortably, so the interior is pressurized.

What is the force that pulls an airplane back?

Air resistance, also known as drag, is the force that pulls an airplane back as it flies through the air. Drag is caused by the airplane pushing air out of the way as it moves forward, creating resistance that opposes the plane's motion. Pilots must account for drag when flying to maintain control and efficiency.

What chemical does an airplane exert into the air?

Carbon dioxide, water vapor, and traces of other chemicals.

When is the ONLY time the airplane is called air force 1?

Any airplane carrying the President has the call sign Air Force One.

When the president is aboard his airplane or any other air force aircraft what is the radio sign?

Air force one for airplane or Marine one for helicopter