The flight time from London Gatwick Airport to Genoa, Italy is about 1 hour, 16 minutes.
The flying time between London and India (Goa) is 12 hours approx.
There is a distance of 891 miles between Rome in Italy and London in the United Kingdom. These estimated flight time by commercial airplane is 2 hours and 17 minutes.
Flying London/Rome is 1431 kms
For direct flights, about 1 hour flying time.
For direct flights, about 15.5 hours flying time.
For direct flights, about 3 to 3.5 hours flying time.
Flying from London back to her husband in italy
When flying from London to Melbourne, you cross 11 time zones. London is in the GMT time zone, and Melbourne is in the AEDT time zone.
From London to where in Mexico? Mexico is a big country.
The estimated flying time from London to Dubai is 10 hours and 55 minutes. The flight times will vary depending on the airline.
The flight time from Libya to Italy is about 2 hours, 30 minutes.