The distance between London and Honolulu, Hawaii is approximately 7,200 miles (11,600 kilometers) when flying.
The air distance from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Roratonga, is 2,928 miles. That quals 4,711 kilometers or 2,544 nautical miles.
There is about 4,648 miles between Hawaii and New Zealand. A flight would take about 9 hours and 45 minutes when flying on a commercial airline.
8771 miles or 14116 kilometers if you're flying from new york.
The flying distance between Toronto and Ottawa is about 353 km.
There are about 4,907 flying miles between Norfolk, Virginia and Honolulu, Hawaii. It takes about 10 and half hours when flying on a plane.
The distance between Honolulu, Hawaii and Guam is approximately 3,800 miles (6,115 kilometers) when measured in a straight line. However, the actual flying distance can vary slightly depending on the specific flight path taken.
6 hours and 29 minutes
The flight distance is about 650 miles.
About 5 hours, depending where in Egypt you are flying to
The distance is about 250 miles
What is the distance from glasgow to new york?