The flight distance from Juneau, Alaska to Sitka, Alaska is 93 miles.
The flight distance from Juneau, Alaska to Moscow, Russia is 4,560 miles.
Juneau, Alaska is approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes way from Barrow, Alaska when flying by plane. There is about 1,102 miles between the two locations.
The flight time from Juneau, Alaska to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport is about 1 hour, 48 minutes.
4,540 miles. The distance is made this short by flying directly over the Arctic Circle. For comparison, New York City is 4,664 miles from Moscow- virtually the same distance.
The flight distance from Anchorage, Alaska to Newport News, Virginia is 3,494 miles.
The flight distance from Miami International Airport to Anchorage, Alaska is about 4,000 miles.
The flight distance from Seoul, South Korea to Anchorage, Alaska is about 3,780 miles.
49 miles (79 kilometers)
The flight distance from Anchorage, Alaska to Dubai, United Arab Emirates is 6,310 miles.
The flight distance from Denver, Colorado to Anchorage, Alaska is 2,400 miles.
The distance is straight path from one place to another place. There might be slight difference between the actual distance and the above mentioned distance because of the route chosen.The distance between the above mentioned places is 1953.1 miles approximately.