The UK consists of four countries, several islands and dozens of overseas territories. As you can imagine, the UK owns a lot of airports spread out all over the world. You will have to be more specific in your UK location.
The flight time from the nearest UK airport to Lanzarote is approximately 3 hours.
The total distance is 2740.98 km or 1703 miles.
The flight time is approximate. Factors such as weather conditions could alter the length of the flight.
The average flight time from the Canary Islands to the United Kingdom is between 4 hours and 4 and a half hours depending on how far north your destination in the UK is. A flight from Lanzarote to Glasgow Prestwick will take about 4h 20 mins.
The flight time from London Gatwick in the UK to Tenerife is approximately 4 hours and 6 minutes. The exact travel time will vary as it depends on factors such as weather conditions, flight speed, refuelling stops and delays. Your airline can provide additional information.
Lanzarote is in the UTC+1 time zone, which is 1 hour ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
4 hrs 10 mins approx.
The distance between Manchester in England and Arrecife, Lanzarote in the Canary Islands is 2879 kilometers. A flight takes on average, 4 hours.
A flight from Manchester, United Kingdom to Lanzarote, Spain would take about 4 hours to complete. There is approximately 1,784 miles between the two locations.
A flight from Manchester, United Kingdom to Lanzarote, Spain would take about 4 hours to complete. There is approximately 1,784 miles between the two locations.
This is an unqualified question because it is loaded. Lanzarote is a holiday resort so can you really ask when was the first flights to Lanzarote? No, you should say can I book a flight to the resort.
I'm unable to provide the current time in Lanzarote as I do not have real-time information. You can quickly check the current time in Lanzarote by simply searching "current time in Lanzarote" on a search engine or using a world clock feature on your device.
4hrs 35 mins
It should take you by plane, 9 hours.
There are many websites that can access flight information for the cheapest ticket search such as Kayak, Priceline, and Orbitz just to mention a few. Without a departure point, the cheapest flight to Lanzarote can not be given.