The flight time is 3 hours, 1 minute.
3 hours 1 minute
Departure point: Cairo, EgyptDestination point: Dubai, United Arab EmiratesEstimated flight duration: 3 hours, 17 minutes
how long is the flight time from Munich to Dubai?
The flight time from Tampa, Florida to Cairo, Egypt is 13 hours, 2 minutes.
The flight time from Dubai UAE to Copenhagen Denmark is 6 hours
The flight time from Kuwait to Cairo, Egypt is about 2 hours.
The flight time is 12 hours 47 mins.
the flight from Dubai, UAE to Baghdad takes roughly 3 hours.
2760.1 miles Flight time: Approximately 5 hours and 44 minutes
About 4hr 00min Frankfurt (FRA) to Cairo (CAI) by a nonstop flight operated by Egyptair or Lufthansa.
I fly from Milwaukee to Dubai 3 times a year. Delta offers non-stop from Atlanta to Dubai. The total flight time is about 17 1/2 hours - 1 1/2 from Milwaukee to Atlanta and 16 from Atlanta to Dubai. The mileage is about 8,000. Continental offfers non-stop from Washington to Dubai. The flight time is about the same.