The flight time from Washington DC in the United States to the Canary Islands is approximately 7 hours and 38 minutes.
This is only an approximation. The exact travel time will vary as it depends on factors such as weather conditions, flight speed, delays and refuelling stops. Your airline can provide additional information through customer service or their website.
Depends to which Canary Island your flying. Gran Canaria would be about 4 to 4 1/2 hrs.
The total direct flight time between Johannesburg, South Africa, and the Canary Islands is about 9h 34min. This does not include the amount of time you may spend waiting at an airport for a connecting flight. The flight distance is 7,705.98 km.
Yes The Canary Islands are on Greenwich Mean time while California is on US Pacific Time which is 8 hours behind GMT. So at 0800 (8-00AM) in morning in California it is 1600 or 4-00 PM in the Canary Islands.
A flight from London to the Cayman Islands is 9 hours and 32 minutes
yes I would like to know this as well. I don't understand why it takes so long. It is quicker to travel to Greece sometimes!
The time difference between British Summer Time (BST) and the Canary Islands is 1 hour. The Canary Islands are in the same time zone as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) during the winter and GMT+1 during the summer months.
The best time to visit the Canary Islands is during the spring. The summer is also a good time, with the hot summer weather, but it will be busier that time of year.
The distance between Manchester in England and Arrecife, Lanzarote in the Canary Islands is 2879 kilometers. A flight takes on average, 4 hours.
The average flight time from the Canary Islands to the United Kingdom is between 4 hours and 4 and a half hours depending on how far north your destination in the UK is. A flight from Lanzarote to Glasgow Prestwick will take about 4h 20 mins.
all year round
The flight time for flights between the above places is 10 hours 23 mins This is an approximate travel time (calculated in ideal conditions. The travel speed is 500 mph and 30 mins for take off and landing). The actual time might change depending on the flight path chosen, weather conditions, etc