The flight time from Jordan to Japan is approximately 11 hours and 9 minutes.
The total distance is about 9042.21 km or 5618 miles.
The flight time is approximate. Factors such as weather conditions could alter the length of the flight.
The flight time from Tokyo, Japan to Narita, Japan is:34 minutes
The flight time from Amman, Jordan to Zurich, Switzerland is about 3 hours, 35 minutes.
The flight time from London, UK to Utah is approximately 10 hours and 19 minutes. The exact travel time depends on factors such as weather conditions and delays.
The flight time from Osaka, Japan to Tokyo, Japan is about 30 minutes.
12 hours
The average flight time from Osaka, Japan to Fort Wayne International Airport is 13 hours, 14 minutes.
The flight time is 11 hours, 57 minutes.
The flight time is 14 hours, 32 minutes.
Tokyo japan
Flight to Jordan was created on 1960-08-04.
Michael Jordan in Flight was created in 1993.
Michael Jordan in Flight happened in 1993.