About 2 hours.
The average flight time from Trinidad and Tobago to Antigua and Barbuda is 1 hour, 3 minutes.
flight time from london to antigua
The flight time is 10 hours, 15 minutes.
The flight time is 8 hours.
The flight time is NINE hours from DFW to FRA. Direct flight.
The total flight time is approximately 14 hours, depending on layovers, delays and aircraft type, etc.
The flight time is approximately 3 hours, 25 minutes.
The flight from the state of Texas to Antigua is about 5 and a half hours. There is approximately 2,411 miles between the two locations.
The flight from DFW International to JFK is approximately 3 hours 16 minutes.
The flight time is approximately 7 hours, 15 minutes.
The average flight time is 8 hours. This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.