Brisbane (BNE) to Los Angeles, CA (LAX) Flight Duration 12 hours 55 mins The travel time will depend on the airline, the stops that are made, and whether you figure in the time zone change or not.
The flight time from Brisbane in Australia to Louisiana in the US is approximately 16 hours and 50 minutes. The approximate distance is 13809.07 km. That is about 8580 miles.
If you meant Los Angeles, which is LAX, not LA, then the flight time is approximately 14 hours and 10 minutes. the distance is 11564.98 km (7186 miles).
Please note that the flight time and distance are approximate. Several factors such as weather conditions could affect either.
A flight from Brisbane, Australia to Los Angeles, California would take about 15 hours to complete. There is approximately 7,183 miles between the two locations.
no direct flight from Brisbane to Cancun. best route will be Brisbane-los angeles-Cancun. total flight time will be around 20 hours (excluding transit times.)
It will be about 5 hours.
The average flight time is 11 hours, 35 minutes. This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.
The average flight time is 14 hours, 22 minutes. This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.
A non stop flight takes approx 8 hours , 4 mins
Departure point: Los Angeles, CaliforniaDestination point: Oklahoma, United StatesEstimated flight duration: 2 hours, 42 minutes
The flight distance from Brisbane, Australia to Los Angeles International Airport is 7,171 miles / 11,540 km
Brisbane australia. No. only flights into aus from the us are from dallas and los angeles and the fly into sydney and melbourne
Los Angeles is in California.
Yes. I had a layover in Los Angelos which took me straight to Kaui last summer.
los angelos