It takes just under four hours to fly from Baltimore, Maryland to Aruba. The distance between them is 1,888 miles [3,039 kilometers; 1,641 nautical miles]. Aruba is south-southeast of Baltimore. They aren't in the same time zone. Baltimore is one hour behind Aruba.
The flight time from Baltimore, Maryland's largest city, to Oranjestad, Aruba's capital, is about 3 hours 45 minutes at an average flight speed of 500 miles/hour (805 kilometers/hour).
Specifically, Baltimore is in the Eastern Time Zone, and Oranjestad is in the Atlantic Standard Time Zone. Baltimore observes daylight saving time, but Oranjestad does not observe it. During daylight saving time, Baltimore and Oranjestad have the same time.
3 hours
The average flight time is 2 hours, 56 minutes.
It will take about 19 hours and 50 minutes.
It will take about 8 hours and 15 minutes.
Baltimore is a city within the state of Maryland.
flight time to Aruba is between 9 hours and 9.5 hours from UK dependent upon departure airport.
The flight takes about four hours from Louisville, Kentucky to Aruba's capital city at Oranjestad.
The flight time from Phoenix in Arizona, US, to Baltimore in Maryland, US, is approximately 4 hours and 14 minutes. The total distance is approximately 3230.30 km or 2007 miles. This flight time is approximate. Factors such as weather conditions could affect the flight time.
The flight time from Vancouver, Canada to Aruba is about 7 hours, 52 minutes.
10 hours
about nine hours.
The flight time for flights between the above places is 16.75 hours This is an approximate travel time. The actual time might change depending on the flight path chosen, weather conditions, etc