The flight distance from Auckland, New Zealand to Maldives is 6,841 miles / 11,010 km
the time a flight takes to go from Auckland to lima is the time it takes to go from lima to Auckland
A typical flight between Cleveland, OH and Maldives would have a flying time of about 18 hours
A typical flight between Ljubljana, Slovenia and Maldives would have a flying time of about 9 hours
The flight time from Auckland Airport to Rome, Italy is 22 hours, 53 minutes.
The flight time from Ukraine to Maldives is about 8 hours, 24 minutes.
The flight time from Bangkok, Thailand to Male, Maldives is about 3 hours, 55 minutes.
The flight will take 13h 41min. I used the travel calculator online (TravelMath).
2 seconds
9 hours.
Otopeni-Istanbul-Singapore-Auckland: 28 hours
The flight time is 13 hours, 1 minute.