The flight distance from Tokyo, Japan to Frankfurt, Germany is: 5,814 miles / 9,357 km
Around 7 to 6 hours.
A flight from Chicago, Illinois to Frankfurt, Germany typically has 1 layover. The flight either has a layover in Detroit or Atlanta and then is nonstop from there to Frankfurt.
10hr 05min Frankfurt (FRA) to Vancouver (YVR) by a nonstop flight operated by Lufthansa.
How long is flight from Frankfurt to Prague?
A flight from Frankfurt to Bangkok is 12 hours.
A flight from Frankfurt to Washington takes 9 hours.
The flight time for flights between the above places is 12 hours This is an approximate travel time. The actual time might change depending on the flight path chosen, weather conditions, etc.
The flight time for flights between the above places is 11.75 hours This is an approximate travel time. The actual time might change depending on the flight path chosen, weather conditions, etc.
The exact routing between these two locations will vary based on factors such as wind direction or the jet stream. A very good example of a flight path between Frankfurt and Los Angeles would be to fly northwest out of Frankfurt towards Cologne and the Northern Netherlands, then the flight would cross the North Sea and head towards the UK (Newcastle-upon-Tyne) and alongside the border with Scotland before leaving UK airspace. Then the flight would head northwest towards Iceland and just passing over the tip before coming in over Eastern Canada before descending into the United States. Of course, the exact routing will vary based on the factors above. Sometimes a flight from Frankfurt to Los Angeles will head westwards towards Belgium and head over the English Channel before crossing the south of the UK (passing over cities such as London and Bristol) and then over Wales and southern Ireland. Other times a flight from Frankfurt to Los Angeles will shoot up towards the north of Germany towards Denmark and then over the North Sea and then turning northwest (just hugging the Shetland Islands before heading towards Iceland). Oh sorry, I answered the Frankfurt to Los Angeles flight path instead of the Los Angeles to Frankfurt flight path but I imaging both the flight path going both ways will have a similar routing.
The flight distance from Perth Airport to Frankfurt, Germany is about 8,600 miles.
Up north over Alaska