They are 7400 miles (Approx.) away. Note that this is a straight distance between the two places. The actual distance may vary according to the flight path or road/sea route chosen.
Distance from london to united states is 4484 miles. North Atlantic Ocean is covered by the flight. London is a very beautiful place to visit.
The distance between London and Honolulu, Hawaii is 7239 miles (11650 km).
London is in the UK...
The driving distance from London, UK to Stanground, UK is 135km
The distance from London, UK to Dover, Kent, UK is about 118 kilometers. Dover is west and slightly south of London.
The distance from London, UK to Dover, Kent, UK is about 118 kilometers. Dover is west and slightly south of London.
The straight line mileage is 4,852 miles, or 7,808km.
The driving distance from Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, UK to London, UK is 26.29mi / 42.32km
289 miles
The flight distance from Aberdeen, UK to London is about 410 miles.
The driving distance from London, UK to Athens, Greece is 3146km
The driving distance from London, UK to Geneva, Switzerland is 983km
The driving distance from Málaga, Spain to London, UK is 1,390.23mi / 2237.36km