What is the Driving distance between St. Petersburg Russia and Frankfurt Germany?
The distance between St. Petersburg, Russia and Munich, Germany is approximately 1,781 km (1,107 miles).
2 steps away
Distance between St Petersburg, Russia and Aksay Kazakhstan is:1064.8 mi (1713.58 km)
4,061 straight line miles. (6,535 km)
the distance is 708 km.
The flight distance is 1,100 miles.
437 miles
The flight distance from Detroit, Michigan to Saint Petersburg, Russia is 4,444 miles. Flight time on a nonstop flight would be about 8 hours 5 minutes.
4,459 miles
New York City to St. Petersburg, Russia.... 4,679miles Answer: New York, NYSt. Petersburg, Russia.... 4,679miles http://chestofbooks.com/reference/Bepler-Handy-Manual-Of-Knowledge/Distance-From-New-York-City-To-Various-Places.html try googling, it's amazing!
The distance between the above mentioned places is 5360km approximately. The distance is straight path from one place to another place. There might be slight difference between the actual distance and the above mentioned distance because of the route chosen.